As we say in Our Story, Viable Placemaking is committed to providing all types of housing, including open market and affordable housing, where it is viable and deliverable at a site, to meet the needs of the community, an issue which is also affecting our friends across the pond...

Recently, Viable Placemaking liaised with the Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, on the importance of the provision of housing and improving housing affordability.
The Mayor was gracious enough to thank Viable Placemaking for our comments regarding the importance of providing affordable housing and the plane ticket explanation of the benefits of providing an adequate supply from our recent Briefing Note Housing Affordability: Supply vs Demand.
This was one of two twin Briefing Notes on the housing crisis and affordability, which highlight the importance of providing a supply of housing to meet the needs of the community.
It is clear that housing affordability is an international issue, which is impacting people in New York as well as at home here in the UK. As town planning professionals, we must consider a scheme's impact on affordability, including its viability, when preparing planning applications and appeals.
If you require assistance with a scheme incorporating affordable housing or assessing whether your development is viable, please feel free to get in touch and we would be more than happy to assist.