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See a range of the sectors and services we provide below. For a range of our featured and specialist Services, click the link here.

Alternatively, you're more than welcome to get in touch with a member of our team to see how we may be able to assist with your planning cases.



Do you have a site which you would like to bring forward for development and would like some assistance with navigating through the planning process? Or would you like assistance with Land Identification. Viable Placemaking can assist in the identification of prospective sites and provide Professional Planning Advice on the best strategy to proceed and navigate through the planning process.

Get in touch and we will be able to provide expert advice from a Chartered Town Planner. 



Viable Placemaking has an expertise in Development Economics and our team has experience assisting a broad range of clients, from developers to Local Authorities in planning economic matters. We may assist you with a broad range of services, including:

  • Community Infrastructure Levy

  • Housing Supply Reviews 

  • Employment Land Reviews

  • Economic Needs Assessments

  • Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessments

  • Health Impact Assessments

  • Education Needs Assessments 

  • Housing Needs Assessments (including Affordable Housing Needs Assessments)

  • Viability reports (see further details below)


To find out more on how we may assist you, feel free to get in touch with a member of our team.



Many planning applications and appeals involve Heritage Statements to ensure the development does not have an unacceptable impact on a heritage asset. Our team have experience with a variety of developments involving Heritage Statements and may assist with these reports as part of our professional planning work. We review these reports on a case by case basis to ensure the client receives the service they require.


For more information on these reports, please review our dedicated page on Heritage Statements here or, for any queries about a specific development, feel free to get in touch to give us more details of your case and we will do our utmost to assist



The planning system is complicated and can feel overwhelming. We are committed to the betterment of placemaking, for our namesake, and creating the best places for people to enjoy. Our team has experience assisting with a range of developments during planning applications, planning appeals, and enforcement procedures, including:

  • Residential 

  • Retail

  • Strategic Development

  • Leisure 

  • Agricultural

  • Industrial

  • Mixed Use schemes 


Whether you have a site which you are hoping to develop or need assistance with an ongoing planning application, feel free to get in touch to see how we may be able to assist. 



Viable Placemaking are able to support with strategic developments, including scoping strategies, tailored reports for major developments and strategic urban extensions, and project management. 


In addition, we are able to support with the preparation and analysis of local plan evidence base documents, neighbourhood plans, and examination in public representations for public and private sector clients.  

To find out more about our strategic planning and policy making work, please don't hesitate to get in touch



Viable Placemaking are experts in Viability and have experience successfully represented a range of clients in viability matters, having had our cases upheld at both the planning and appeal stages. We can provide assistance with the following viability matters:

  • Viability Assessments (including Affordable Housing Viability Assessments)

  • Economic Optimization Appraisals 

  • Whole Plan Viability Assessments

  • Independent Local Planning Authority Viability Assessment Reviews

  • Strategic Viability Appraisals 


If you are an applicant or appellant seeking a Viability Assessment, we have a dedicated webpage on the key considerations in these reports, here

Similarly, if you require an independent review of your viability assessment, we have a similar page here

Otherwise, if you'd like to speak to a RTPI and RICS accredited professional, feel free to get in touch



Many developments have the potential to significantly impact the transport network of a site or local area. Viable Placemaking have experience navigating the transport issues pertaining to a planning application or appeal and are able to assist with Transport Statements and other supporting reports as part of our professional planning work. We review these reports on a case by case basis to ensure the client receives the service they require. 

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