Viable Placemaking recently saved a South East homeowner over £20k of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
A homeowner began using their outbuilding as a residential annexe and when the local Council found out, they threatened to serve an Enforcement Notice at the site.
In response, a retrospective planning application was submitted to the Local Planning Authority to formalise the development and allow the continued use of the annexe.
The homeowner was then surprised to receive a liability and demand notice from their local Council saying that they were liable to pay over £20k of CIL. Given the development had been completed, the Council were certain they were liable to pay the levy.
There are many CIL-tripwires which applicants and developers fall to, but many strategies which can assist in overcoming them. For some key tips, we recommend our dedicated page on the levy here.
Viable Placemaking reviewed the development and through the appropriate avenues, the Council conceded that the development should not be liable for any CIL payment and the £20k CIL was not required.
Our team include RICS and RTPI professionals who are able to assist with an array of economic matters in the planning process, including CIL strategies.
If you have received a CIL liability or demand notice and would like advice on how to proceed, get in touch today.