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Economic Impact Assessment supports major development

Viable Placemaking are thrilled to have prepared an Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) to support a major development in the South East.

One of the key components of the town planning system is delivering a strong and competitive economy, allowing businesses to invest, expand and adapt. National policy encourages local councils to support economic growth and productivity, taking into account both local business needs and wider opportunities for development.

Economic sustainability stands as one of the three primary national sustainability objectives guiding decision-making in England. Assessing the economic implications of a development is, however, often among the more complex elements in assembling a successful planning application or appeal.

Viable Placemaking were recently instructed to prepare an EIA to accompany a major planning application for the redevelopment of an employment site in the South East. The assessment comprehensively reviewed the existing site's status and and proposed development to understand and ascertain the economic and employment implications of the scheme.

The EIA found there would be a net increase in jobs and economic output at the site, which would positively contribute towards the local economy.

The EIA was submitted to the local council alongside the other technical reports and plans to ensure the Council have the full information on the schemes benefits and can balance the economic benefits in the context of the other planning policies and material considerations.

Viable Placemaking are a town planning consultancy with a specialism in development economics and viability. We frequently work alongside developers, architects, and fellow planning consultants to provide expert advice and reports on these factors to support developments around the UK. For more information on how we can help with your development, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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