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Policy and Local Plan Evidence

Well formed planning policy is the bedrock on which the planning system is built and well prepared plans allow decision makers to facilitate the right development coming forward at the right locations to meet the needs of the community.

Local Planning Authorities and Parish Councils have an enormous task before them in creating and adopting local plans, to deliver the development anticipated by the Government.

In a July 2024 letter to all LPA leaders, the Deputy Prime Minister reaffirmed their support of the plan-led system.

"Once in place, and kept up to date, local plans provide the stability and certainty that local people and developers want to see our planning system deliver."

Viable Placemaking have experience in supporting local authorities and Parish Councils with the preparation of various policy-based documents. Most recently, this has included:

  • Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessments

  • Employment Needs Assessments

  • Local Market Assessments

  • Expert viability support in local plan evidence base reports

  • Neighbourhood Plan preparation

  • Local Plan examination representations

Viable Placemaking's experience in preparing planning policy documents has enabled us to better advise all our clients, from councils to housing developers seeking to promote strategic development.

If you would like more information on our work in policy, local plan evidence, and neighbourhood planning, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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