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Grey Belt Statements

Viable Placemaking are pleased to have submitted a planning application for new homes in the Green Belt, including a landmark Grey Belt Statement which addressed the Government's new national planning policies.

In late 2024, Viable Placemaking were in the process of preparing a resubmission for 4 new detached homes in Basildon Borough Council. The scheme had previously been dismissed at appeal though, following review of the appeal decision, we advised that all outstanding issues could be overcome in a way which was of benefit to the applicant and the prospective occupants of the homes.

As anticipated, in December 2024, the Government published the new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). This included a selection of key updates including around housing supply, the Green Belt, and the introduction of the 'Grey Belt'. More information on the updated NPPF may be found in our dedicated Insight, available here.

The Grey Belt is "land in the Green Belt comprising previously developed land and/or any other land that, in either case, does not strongly contribute to any of purposes (a), (b), or (d) in paragraph 143." This is one component of the Government's aim of significantly boosting the supply of housing and is a key factor for planners to consider when considering development in the Green Belt.

In response to the updated NPPF and, in particular, the new Grey Belt policy, Viable Placemaking prepared a Grey Belt Statement to be submitted alongside our planning application. This reviewed the national and local Green Belt policy, Grey Belt policy, and what implications this had for the development.

The Grey Belt Statement was submitted alongside our traditional 'Planning Statement', which responded to the previous appeal decision as well as the general policies and material considerations.

Viable Placemaking are currently working alongside several applicants, land promotors, and developers reviewing development in the Green Belt and have recently delivered training courses on the updated NPPF.

If you would like to learn more about how the updated national policy impacts your development, or how a Grey Belt Statement might support your scheme, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

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